Olson, Redford & Wahlberg, P.A., are pleased to invite you to join ORW attorney and partner Katie Wahlberg, at Minnesota CLE, for The Essentials of Real Estate Conveyancing – Practical advice and solutions to problems attorneys and clients encounter. This live in-person event will be held Monday, January 23rd, 2023, at the Minnesota CLE Conference Center, 600 Nicollet Mall, Suite 370, Minneapolis. This exclusive Minnesota CLE event, currently anticipated to confer 6 CLE credits, starts at 9:00 AM (check-in starts at 8:30 AM) and runs through 4:30 PM. The full course is designed to provide practical advice and solutions to the problems that attorneys encounter with real estate conveyances and features expert instruction from 8 faculty members. Having refined the art of real estate conveyancing over years of experience, Wahlberg’s session will provide important tips and best practices that will save you (and your client) time and trouble when handling future conveyances.

You must register to attend. You can register online at www.minncle.org; visit https://www.minncle.org/seminar/1043082301 for course details, seminar schedule, and to sign up! Can’t attend the live seminar? View the online replay Monday, February 13, 2023.

You can also download the course brochure for more information.